Longer Load Expiration Imposed Upon Telecoms by NTC

The National Telecommunications Commission issued Memorandum Circular 03-07-2009 “Guidelines on Prepaid Loads” which requires telecommunication companies to extend the expiration period of phone loads.

For a load worth from P10 to P50, the validity is 15 days; P50-P100, 30 days; P100-P150, 45 days; P150-P250, 60 days; P250-P300, 75 days; and loads more than P300, 120 days.

At present, a P10 load is valid for only a day; for a load worth P30, three days; P200, 30 days; P300, 60 days.

Aside from the longer expiration period, the new circular also requires telecoms to carry over unused loads to the new load purchased. NTC explained this by providing as an example a situation wherein, if a subscriber has an unused load of P20 and buys a P10 new load, the new validity or expiry period should be 15 days.

Moreover, the National Telecommunications Commission added that access to balance inquiry service through text should be free of charge.

Telecoms however resisted this new memorandum circular. They sought an injunction from the Quezon City Regional Trial Court, preventing the NTC from giving it force. The Court granted the telecoms’ petition.

Download the MEMORANDUM CIRCULAR 03-07-2009

Author: Atty. James Biron
Atty. James S. Biron is a corporate lawyer specializing in foreign investments, trade, mergers and acquisitions, planning and financing of projects and capital raising. Clients served include real estate, construction, energy, information technology, agriculture, education, medical and casino gaming companies.

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